Privacy Policy


If you use this website, you accept and agree to this Privacy Policy as well as with the Terms & Conditions of use of the website that have been announced through it.
We treat the protection of your personal data seriously and therefore guarantee you absolute security when you visit our website. The Ornela Beauty website asks visitors to provide with personal data only if they want to order products, register on the website or send a message to through the contact form.

Right to information, correction, blocking, deletion

Ornela Beauty allows its users to correct, change, complete or delete data and information they have
submitted to Onnela Beauty. If you choose to delete information, Ornela Beauty will act to delete information from its files directly. For the protection and safety of the user Ornela Beauty will try to make sure that the person who makes the changes is indeed the same person as the user. To access, change or delete your personal data,
to report problems regarding the operation of the website or to ask any question please contact Ornela Beauty via e-mail at Changing or correcting your personal data can also be done through the Ornela Beauty registration page. Please be aware that we will do everything possible to protect your personal data, but protecting your password on our website is your responsibility.

SSL or TLS encryption

For security purposes and to protect the transmission of confidential content that you send to us as a subscriber or customer of the site, our website uses an SSL and TLS encryption. This means that the data you transmit through this website cannot be read by third parties.
You can recognize an encrypted connection by the browser’s “https://” address bar and the lock symbol in its browser. The browsers Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari they support the TLS protocol and it is recommended to use them to connect to the Ornela Beauty website.

Server logs

When you visit our website, our server collects so-called server log files, namely:
• Date and time of entry to the website.
• The amount of data sent in bytes.
• The browser and operating system you used for
• your login to the website.
• Internet protocol address (IP address), when you enter the website. The IP address is personal data along with the date and time of your visit, although we cannot identify you with this data alone.

The legal basis for which we collect your IP address and keep it in special files (log files) is our legitimate interest in processing them of data in order to ensure the security of networks, information and services from accidental events or illegal or malicious actions that compromise availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of stored or transmitted data (e.g. control of ddos “denial of service” attacks); as well as our legal obligation to provide a more secure environment for the processing of your personal data (GDPR article 6 paragraph 1 letter f and c).
The data will not be transferred or used in any other way. However, we reserve the right to review server logs if specific indications of unauthorized use are detected.

Register on this website

Registration is required to process purchases in the online store. This can be done as part of the ordering process or independently in one order. After successful registration we create an account for you, through which you can manage the customer data yourself. During the account registration you will need to provide your name, billing and delivery address, phone number, email address as well as to choose a password. The data entered during registration is processed based on your consent (Article 6 para. 1, GDPR). You can withdraw your consent at any time. An informal email notification is sufficient for revocation. The legality of the data processing has already carried out and it is not affected by the revocation.

Processing of children’s personal data

Ornela Beauty will not collect or process personal data of children under the age of 16 unless parental consent has been given, according to applicable local law. If we become aware that a child’s personal data has been collected in error, we will delete this data without undue delay.

Google Analytics

The Company’s website uses Google Analytics, through which our Company collects information. This information helps our Company to optimize its website based on the preferences of its visitors. The information collected is sent and stored on the server provided by Google in the USA. For more information about Google’s Privacy Policy, please visit the following and in particular link In case you do not wish the collection of your data by Google Analytics, you have the possibility to download and install in your browser the Google Analytics Opt out program at the following link:


Our website uses social plugins from the social networking website, operated by Facebook SA, 1601 South California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. Plugins can be identified by one of the Facebook logos (a white “f” in a blue square or the “thumbs-up” icon), or the phrase “Facebook Social Plugin”. The list of Facebook social plugins and their appearances can be found here: When you visit our website, your browser will contact the Facebook server and load the visual presentation of the plugin, as well as present it to you. During your visit, Facebook receives information about your visit to our website, as well as further information such as your IP address. These activated plugins allow Facebook to know that you have visited this particular page on our website. If you are logged in to Facebook at the time, it may associate your visit to our page with your Facebook account. If you interact with the plugins, for example by clicking the “Like” button or posting a comment, the information you provide will then be sent directly to Facebook and stored there. If you do not have a Facebook account, it is still possible for Facebook to detect and store your IP address after you have clicked on the Facebook note. To find out more information about Facebook’s data collection practices and the corresponding privacy rights and options, see Facebook’s Privacy Policy: If you don’t want Facebook collect data about you from our website and link it to your Facebook details, you should log out of Facebook before visiting our website and clicking on the Facebook notice.


Functions from Twitter services are integrated into our websites. These features are offered by Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. By using Twitter and the “retweet” function, the pages you visit will be linked to your Twitter account and made public to other users. Information is also transmitted to Twitter in this way. We would like to point out that we, as the operator of the website, do not receive any information about the content of the transmitted data or its use from Twitter. For more information, please see Twitter’s privacy statement at You can change your privacy settings for Twitter in your account settings at


If you wish to receive the newsletter offered on the website, we need an email address from you as well as information that allows us to confirm that you are the owner of the email address you provide and that you agree to receive the newsletter.
We use the so-called Double-Opt-in procedure to ensure that the newsletter is sent in an agreed manner. After entering your details in the Newsletter registration form on our website and pressing register, you will then receive confirmation of the registration in a legal manner via a confirmation e-mail. The subscription is actively included in the distribution list only if confirmation is given by you.
We use this data only to send our visitors and customers, newsletter and offers.

Online Store and Transaction Security

Ornela Beauty has taken all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure the maximum possible safety. All information related to the customer’s personal information is secure and confidential. All transactions carried out by the customer through our online store are governed by International and European law, which regulates issues related to electronic commerce, as well as by the Consumer Protection Law (Law 2251/1994), which regulates issues related to with distance sales. Payments are made by redirection to secure websites with SSL encryption, eg like or by direct deposit to a bank account as well as other electronic payment methods. To ensure the protection of your personal data through its website, Ornela Beauty uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology which is the most reliable provider for the security of transactions via the internet, on a global scale. With this technology, every item you enter on Ornela Beauty is encrypted before it goes online and you then investigate the authenticity of the message and the server. To identify the customer on the website, you use the Username and Password, which each time the customer registers them, access is provided with absolute security to his personal information. It is possible to change the User Code as often as you want. The only person who has access to your information is the customer himself through the aforementioned codes and is solely responsible for maintaining its confidentiality from third parties. In the event of their loss or leakage, the customer must notify us immediately, otherwise Ornela Beauty is not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. Ornela Beauty in no way discloses or makes public the personal data and information entrusted to us by the customer. It is necessary for your personal security to create strong passwords and to protect this information well so that it does not fall into the hands of third parties. All information transmitted by the customer/subscriber to Ornela Beauty through its website is confidential as required by law for transactions applicable in the case of electronic commerce (e-commerce) as Ornela Beauty has taken all necessary measures so that it is used them only to the extent that this is deemed necessary in the context of the services provided. Some of the measures taken are the following:

• Only authorized employees and partner businesses have access to your transaction information and only when necessary, such as for processing your requests.
• Ornela Beauty does not disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless there is a written authorization from the customer or this is required by a court order or decision of another public authority, in which case Ornela Beauty fully cooperates with the authorities.
• In the event that Ornela Beauty uses third parties for any provision of services or support of its systems and services, it requires them to provide customers with the level of security and privacy referred to herein.
• The customer can request any information held about him as well as their correction in case he can document the existence of an error.
• For the security of the customer, he should handle all the information provided through the service as confidential and confidential and not disclose it to third parties.

User Rights

The user has the right to request that the processing of his data be restricted if he disputes the accuracy of the data until he verifies its accuracy, if the processing is illegal or if he objects to the processing and if Ornela Beauty no longer needs the data but they are requested by the user to establish, exercise and support legal claims. The user is informed before the restriction is lifted. Also, the user has the right to object at any time for reasons related to his particular situation, to the processing of his data that is done legally and specifically in cases where it is necessary to fulfill a duty imposed by the public interest or due to the existence of a legitimate interest. In the opposition application, he should justify the particular circumstances that justify his opposition. Communication and sending requests Ornela Beauty is always at your disposal for any information, clarification, request. Contact us by phone at +30(698)2176023 or by email at You can submit your request and we will notify you by phone or email as soon as possible after receiving the request.

Periodic Changes

Ornela Beauty is constantly expanding, updating and improving its website, and related products and services, and will update this policy. We recommend that you read this procedure in at regular intervals, in order to be informed of any changes in the content of this personal data protection policy. This policy will be amended from time to time without notice warning to users.

Right of termination

According to Regulation no. 679/2016, you have the right, if you believe that your rights regarding the protection of your personal data are violated, to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority of a Personal Character, which is based in Athens (Kifissias 1-3, P.O. 115 23) and at telephone +302106475600 and fax +302106475628 or at the e-mail address