Payment Methods


  • Credit or Debit Card

You can pay with debit cards, as well as credit cards Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Dinners.
In case a product is out-of stock, the refund will be made by our accounting office and it will appear as an available balance in your account in 7-14 business days if you have use a debit card and on your next bill if you have use a credit card.

Secure Transactions

All payments made using a card are processed through the “Nexi E-Commerce” electronic payment platform that uses TLS 1.2 encryption with a 128-bit encryption protocol (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL). Encryption is a way of encoding information until it reaches its intended recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key.

ORNELA BEAUTY does not collect or store your credit card details in any way, and for this reason you need to re-enter them,
every time you use your credit card for transactions through this site.


Pay using 30+ methods (cards, digital wallets, local payment methods, online banking, and more).

  • Bank Transfer or E-Banking

You can easily, quickly and safely make your transactions through bank transfers or electronic payments through E-Banking using the following bank.
1. Select the Bank Deposit Method to the account you wish to place your order.
2. Deposit the money into the following account stating your order number and full name as justification.
(It is necessary so that there is no delay in the processing of your order).
3. Send us the proof of deposit to, so that we can proceed with the execution of your order.

Beneficiary of the account: HANIOTI MARIA
IBAN: GR4501407900790002002018054